Saturday, January 10, 2009

When was the last time I was healthy?

I've been sick for more than a week. From dry cough to cough with sputum to flu to fever and headache, and mild lethargy all the time. I always take it for granted that it might just be the usual cough and flu sickness that will recover eventually, without medical intervention. But seems like it's going to take longer than usual this time. Hope it's not something bad. Maybe I left my antibodies at Kinokuniya that day. 

When I am sick, and feeling very weak all over, only I realise that I've taken health for granted. The comfort of sleeping in any position without my airways being obstructed, the ability to do the chores, to walk and smell the flowers, and the appetite! I haven't eaten anything for the past 20 hours and I still don't feel like eating anything, not even to fantasize about any of my favourite food. Maybe it's because of the flu. I can't even remember how does Starbucks' caramel machiato taste like. I've forgotten the good time when I was healthy. All I know now is dizziness and weird stomach. 

Last night my fever got so bad that I went knocking my neighbours' doors to ask for Pandadol. And I realise a lot of them don't keep Pandadol for emergency purposes, same as me. Since I was a kid, I've always had difficulty in swallowing pills. That why my parents don't have to worry about me getting high on ecstasy pills.

Till here. I need to get back on the bed. Tired and dizzy, again.


corona australis said...

take care ya

Wen said...

take care... :)

Xu Vin said...

get well!!!! :P

HHHHHhawesome ppl must be well.

Gine said...

Thanks people. Lorraine has brought me to visit a doc. Hope the medications are effective. I've been swallowing a lot of pills since then.

I miss home...

Anonymous said...

hey, rest more k. CNY's coming soon =)