Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sometimes I think to decide if one knows another person well enough, a good method is not by asking one about some facts (likes/dislikes etc) regarding the other person, but by predicting one's response or opinion about certain topics or incidents.

If you came across a question such as "What would Cher Linn say if her books collapsed on the bookshelves?"

The answer is...

"Oh, it's time to buy new books to fill in the gaps!"



Xu Vin said...

wahaha i'm wondering if this post was written after an incident that left u wondering how well u noe a person, or after a bookshelf disaster that led u to this thought. grins.

Gine said...

1 and 1/2 :) For the latter one, I notice a gap between my books on the shelf because I lend two books to Jerry.

Xu Vin said...

cher we will bring a throng of kittens to ur graduation. wahahahha.. i challenge u not to shed tears on graduation day muahahha...

Gine said...

why would I shed tears during my graduation? :) oh yeah, unless someone bring me a Toxoplasma gondii-filled gift ;p JUST JOKING!! ;p

Love you Vin!